
Sunday, May 15, 2011


This article was written by Dr. Andrew Weil

We know that green tea (and to a lesser extent black tea) provides healthy antioxidants - natural compounds linked to lower cancer risk and improved heart and brain health. New research now shows that some herbal teas (more correctly called infusions, since they're not from the tea plant Camellia sinensis) also have some health benefits. A study group from the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University reviewed the scientific literature on three of the most popular herbal teas and concluded that they warrant further investigation. The researchers found that chamomile tea, known for its soothing effects, has antimicrobial activity and significant activity against the harmful clumping of platelets (cells that help stop bleeding). They also reported that peppermint tea has significant antimicrobial and antiviral activities plus strong antioxidant and antitumor action, as well as anti-allergy potential. The investigators further reported that hibiscus tea lowered blood pressure in a group of pre-hypertensive and mildly hypertensive adults. The findings were published in the March, 2011, issue of Agricultural Research magazine.


  1. The reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way
    • - escape can be a strong motivation for travel
  2. The general desire or willingness of someone to do something
    • - keep staff up to date and maintain interest and motivation
  3. The above definition is just an example of  motivation, but what does it really mean to you?  As a holistic health coach one of "my jobs" is to motivate people into living a healthier lifestyle.  Whether it is to give up sugar, lose weight or just to have a diet of more "whole foods," motivating my clients during our sessions helps to create a desire or willingness to do something. However,  my clients need to determine "the  reason" for "acting or behaving" this way in order to live this way.  When they come up with reasons or we set obtainable goals it is so rewarding for me to see that they actually have aha moments during our sessions,  which motivates them to change.   Yes, it is part of my job to help them figure out what lifestyle of eating best fits them.  Everyone is an individual and everyone has different body types, dietary needs and reasons for changing their behavior,  so just putting everyone on the same diet usually does not work.  It takes some digging to figure out what will work best for each person, but it is so worth it.  People seem more motivated when they work towards something that makes sense to them.  So what are your reasons for acting or behaving in a way that produces a desire or willingness to do something that will help you achieve your personal healthy lifestyle goals?   

The Energy Bus

 The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon is all about POSITIVE ENERGY and how to incorporate this positive energy into our daily lives.  Ten (10) simple rules are mentioned in this book to help you obtain this positive energy. These rules are very simple and you might think they are just "common sense."  Nevertheless, the book was easy reading, (It can be read in a day) and it was also cute.  This book can be used to inspire someone in business, team leaders, coaches, or anyone wanting to enhance their personal life.   

The Ten Rules:
  • You're the Driver of Your Bus.
  • Desire, Vision, and Focus Move Your Bus it the Right Direction.
  • Fuel Your Ride with Positive Energy.
  • Invite People on Your Bus ans Share Your Vision for the Road Ahead.
  • Don't Waste Your Energy on Those Who Don't Got on Your Bus.
  • Enthusiasm Attracts More Passengers and Energizes Them During the Ride. 
  • Love Your Passengers.
  • Drive with Purpose.
  • Have Fun and Enjoy the Ride.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Life is full of choices.  What we chose to do and chose not to do can carry consequences.  I am not talking about what outfit you pick out to wear to work, although if you pick something that is not appropriate for work you could have consequences or I am not even talking about MAJOR life choices,  instead I am talking about the life choices that are the more simple ones.  Yes, this does sound old fashioned to say, but I am now from that generation where I believe "things" were different, more polite, more courteous and definitely not so "ME" orientated.   So, with this said, I am going to list some of life's simple decisions and you decide what CHOICE you would make.
  • When entering a store, do you hold the door open for the person behind you and then say "Have a good day?"
  • When driving, are you courteous driver?  This means not beeping the horn if the person in front of you does not go immediately when the light changes, tailgating, "pulling out" or cutting someone off (even if there is no one behind them) just to get ahead of them.
  • When exercising on a track, boardwalk or at the gym and you have "eye contact" with another person do you say "hello", "good morning" or "how ya doing?"
  • Do you say I Love You before hanging up the phone with your spouse, parents or children?, etc.
  • Do you MAKE time for your family, even if you have a busy life?  Listen to the song, CATS IN THE CRADLE by Harry Chapin
  • Do you take a few minutes each day to have gratitude and appreciation for what you have? DO you remember the people in your life that have always been there for you and loved you unconditionally?
  • Do you take five minutes to call up someone you have been thinking about? An aging grandparent, a sick parent, a good friend you have not talked to in a while, a sibling that you have lost touch with, etc.?
  • Do you make time to have "Sunday Dinner" with your family, no excuses?
  • Do you take your kids to the park instead of cutting the grass?
  • Do you ever do something that you really don't like to do with a loved one, but do it anyway because you know it would make them really happy?
  • Do you take a few moments out each day to reach out to your parent(s) just to let them know they are not forgotten and always appreciated?  
  • Do you call a loved one, just to tell them you arrived safely at your destination?
  • Do you Say I Love You often to someone before it to late?
  • Have you been the bigger person by saying,  "I'm Sorry" to someone you have offended? 
  • Do you Forgive?
  Probably some of the "things" I listed might sound silly to some of you, but then again the choice is yours!

The Choice is Mine is something that I wrote in the sand recently. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

21 Day Meditation

I just complete the Chopra Center's 21-Day meditation series.  I really enjoyed it.  I am definitely getting into the routine of waking up in the morning and cleaning my tongue, brushing my teeth and showering.  Eating a nutritious breakfast and then meditating before going to work or starting my day.  It does bring about a sense of balance and purpose.  Exercise is also a part of my daily routine and with he weather getting nicer, it is not too hard to get out and walk for 45 minutes a day.  I actually am very luck because I have the pleasure of walking on the Ocean City Boardwalk and it is beautiful looking out over the ocean.  It is so calming and a great balance for me. So, in this world of "busy," find a routine that suits you, an activity to bring exercise to your life and you will most likely find a spirit in your heart!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I am not too good at accepting change and God knows in the past fews months I have seen a lot of change. Retirement, selling a house I loved, moving and renting for the first time in 37 years, facing breast cancer and having my family dimension change.  So how am I handling it ? I am trying and trying hard.  I have many decisions to make as a result of all of these changes, but I am seeking out people who care about me and I am beginning to care about myself more than I have in the past.  So, I am trying to make CHANGE by spelling it.

C=  Clarity in thinking
H=  Having a purpose in life.
A=  Adjustments when necessary
N=  Nothing, EXPECT nothing.
G=  Get active
E=  Enjoy!

C=  Clarity in thinking....I have a lot of chatter going on in my mind and to quiet these thoughts I am meditating.  This is new and some days it is difficult, but in order "to change" I need to continue this practice.

H=  Having a purpose in life.  I have spent my whole entire life thinking of "others."  I ALWAYS put my kids first and it is important to me to have a good relationship with my children, my brother and my niece, but now I realize life goes on and everyone has their own life. I wanted things to remain constant, as they were, but that's not how it is.  So, it is time for me, however much time I have to find my purpose.

A=  Adjustments when necessary.  Building on having a purpose, I am dealing with making adjustments.  My body has definitely changed, I need to find a place to live and I need to "adjust" to not having my family as it once was. Adjustment means making or becoming suitable or adjusting to circumstances. 

N=  Nothing, EXPECT NOTHING!  When we expect something from someone or a situation we truly get disappointed when promises are broken, an anticipated meeting is cancelled, a loved one stops loving, or even when a disease such as cancer arrives unannounced.  But, if we expect nothing for all situations and then the promises are met, an anticipated meeting goes wonderfully, a loved one comes through in a loving way, or when you become enlightened by getting a disease like cancer then a feeling of excitement and gratitude is experienced. 

G= Get active.  Move and be moved.  Realizing that you are heading into some direction is moving!

E= Enjoy.  Look for simple pleasures each day.  Opening the curtains in the house, looking at the sky each and every day, read, play with a pet, whatever it is just enjoy each moment.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Breast Cancer Options Conference

To make the final decision on whether to "do" chemo or not, my husband Fred and I "trekked" up to New Paltz, NY to the 10th annual Breast Cancer Options Conference. WOW!  What a great conference.  The lecturers/speakers were wonderful. What an informational conference.  I would totally recommend going to this conference for anyone who wants to PREVENT, GOING THROUGH TREATMENT or is a breast cancer SURVIVOR. The name of the organization that was responsible for this wonderful conference is called Breast Cancer Options in Kingston, New York. (You can google it) For more information on this conference and the information I received please feel free to email me @

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Vitamix, Vitamix, Vitamix!

So, I bought a Vitamix, as I really want to get all of the nutrients from my fruits and vegetables.  Last weekend I had a client from my Snap Into Wellness Program scheduled to come over for some cooking lessons.  I decided to make some quick and easy recipes because she is a very busy mother of three.  She is on a weight loss journey so, I planned to make soups that she could make in a Vitamix or a heavy duty blender and some smoothies she could "whip" up very quickly in the morning.  I even made a sorbet in about 3 minutes!  I thought I would share them with you. You may visit my website http://www.snapintowellness/ for the recipes.  ENJOY!!
This soup is a very easy zucchini soup.

Cream of Celery Soup

Sweet "Green" Smoothie!

 Peach "Berry" Smoothie

Peach Sorbet for a very easy, low cal dessert.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Daily Morning Routine

It is important to establish a good daily morning routine. Why?  It can keep you balanced, focused and it is a good way to start each day.  Whether you are a busy single working Mom or Dad, a bustling family or you are retired,  a routine is individual to YOU.  When your routine is repeated daily you will notice more contentment and less stress in your life.  Here is an example of my morning routine:
  • Awaken
  • Tongue Cleaning
  • Brush Teeth
  • Shower
  • Meditate
  • Stretch  
  • Affirmations
  • Walk 20 Minutes
  • Work 
Allowing myself this personal time and space is a way to a healthier mind and body.  Life is too stressful, but it can be controlled by our mind and determination to make life better.  I am interested in learning about your morning routine.  E-mail me at and give me your thoughts on this subject.

Monday, March 21, 2011


When trying to deal with stress a great way is to get into a practice of daily meditation and affirmations.  I know you may be saying I CAN'T meditate, but I assure you that you can learn.  I have a mind that goes a mile a minute, but I have learned to slow it down.  A weekly visit to Yogi Shaunti Desai has helped me get through some trying times lately and he has taught me to mediate! When I went to see him last Friday he mediated with me.  I was so relaxed when  left our session that I could not believe it.  I have been doing a daily practice since then.  I might not be there just yet, but I am making good progress.  It does work.... 
Here is a sample of a daily routine to start out with before you get out of bed.
  1. Begin your morning by lying in bed and waking up slowly.
  2. Smile and say some daily affirmations.  They can be what you want them to be. Here are some examples. 
*  I accept and love myself.
*  I feel the unity of life.  Everyone and everything is interconnected.
*  I accept my physical, mental and emotional conditions and environments.
*  I explore my hidden talents and aptitudes and utilize them.
*  I let go of past history and worry of the future and remain in the present.
*  I am grateful for comfort and utilize it with wisdom.
*  I take responsibility for my life and accept my predicaments with a smiling face.

If you have time in the morning....practice a routine such as,
  1. Taking a shower
  2.  Use a tongue cleaner and brush your teeth.
  3. Drink a glass water.
  4. Meditate for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Say some daily affirmations.
  6. Do some light stretching or yoga.
or you may practice this routine in the evening.  The point is give it a try and see if it helps release some stress from your daily life.  ENJOY!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

And The Cow Jumped Over The Moon?

Hey diddle diddle,
The Cat and the fiddle,
The Cow jumped over the moon,
The little Dog laughed to see such a sport,
And the Dish ran away with the Spoon.

Last night the Moon was brilliant because the Moon's revolution had reached perigee, which is the closest point the Moon will be to the Earth in its revolution.  This is unique because the Moon was 221,566 miles
away from the Earth. This is the closet the Moon has been to the Earth in 18 years. Last night was also unique because it was a full moon, called the "super moon,"  making the moon appear larger than it actually is.  The average distance the Moon is from earth in normally 238, 857 miles, so last night was a special night.

 The Moon was so beautiful in the clear sky that I actually think,
 I saw the cow jump over the moon!

  We first "peaked" at the Moon last night at 8:00pm. We stood in the street in front of our house and just stared at it. It was so big, round and beautiful.  The sky was so clear, so it was especially brilliant and amazing. Then we "peaked" again around 9:30pm.  The Moon's position in the sky was a little higher and now over our house.  We did not "peak" again until we noticed that the Moon was shining brilliantly in our bedroom window at 5:00 am.  We opened the curtain and watched it until it set. Incidentally, the setting of the Moon also launched the first day of spring! Happy Spring!  Enjoy each and every moment of your day.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

To Have A Sense of Humor Is A Good Thing!

I come from a funny family.  My mother was one of the funniest people I ever knew.  Some of the stories I could tell you about her would have you "wetting your pants."  Incidentally, that was one of her trademark moves, wetting her pants when she laughed. (BTW, my niece and I do the same thing now when we get laughing.) But, a sense a humor is good thing, right?  Yes, if you can find humor everyday, that is a good thing.  Sometimes, I am even on the verge of being goofy....and that's okay too, especially by my standards which are actually the ones that count for me.  So, as part of my blog today I am going to share with you a couple of "goofy" and funny experiences I have had at Fox Chase Medical Center where I am currently undergoing weekly "fills" in my breasts as part of my breast reconstruction after a bi-lateral mastectomy. 

     Since I have to trek up to Philadelphia every Thursday for these "fills," which is actually a saline solution put into ports of "expander's that have been placed in my chest where an implant would eventually be placed, I decided to make this process more fun, at least in my mind.  So, a couple of weeks ago when I went to sign in for my with the receptionist to let her know I was here for my appointment I said, "I am here for my nail appointment."  Looking perplexed she said, "Excuse me." I said, "Yes, I am here for my fill." (Wink,Wink) She laughed and said, "Oh, I get it your "nail fill." We laughed together and she said, "Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do to get through this." I said, "Yes," but the truth is having that little bit if humor made me feel more relaxed.  So, this past week I did the same thing and announced I was here for my "nail fill" and when I came out to schedule my next appointment for the following week she actually asked me if I was going to change my "color" next week!  It really did put a smile on my face and when you are going through a breast cancer diagnosis, laughter is important,  at least to me.  

     Okay, here's another funny encounter I had going for one of my "fills,"  My daughter drove me to my appointment last week.  My Doctor's office is not located in the hospital at Fox Chase Cancer Center, but instead about five minutes from the hospital in an office complex.  So, as I was explaining the directions to my daughter, telling her to turn her or to turn there, we finally came up to the street where the office was located.  When I told her to take a "right" at this street, she looked at the street sign and said, "Are you kidding me, his office is located on Fillmore Street. Get it Mom...Fill More." We laughed so hard because I never realized I was going for my "fills" on Fillmore Street!

     Okay, humor is one way I am coping with all of this.  I hope I have not offended anyone because I do know cancer is a serious thing, but I need humor.  I needed my daughter to say something funny to me, as I do get nervous, but it took my mind off what I am going through and that was a good thing!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lovely Day At The UltraWellness Center

As part of any kind of healing one must find peace within themselves.   As part of my healing process to find peace with the decision of whether to have chemotherapy for my treatment for breast cancer, I have chosen to get opinions from two oncologists and another opinion from a Functional Medicine MD. A Functional Medicine MD examines underlying reasons or causes for disease and takes a more  preventative approach  vs. a more conventional approach which is to "get" a disease and then treat it. I was very interested in getting this other opinion from a Functional Medicine Dr., as I believe very strongly in this type of medicine.

As I mentioned in my last blog the two oncologists I met with are basically leaving this chemotherapy decision up to me.  So, as my third opinion I chose to go to The UltraWellness Center in Lenox, Massachusetts, which Dr. Mark Hyman is the medical diredtor.  Dr. Hyman  has written many books including: The UltraMetabolism Diet, The UltraMetabolism Cookbook and The UltraMind Solution. But, more importantly the reason I chose The UltraWellness Center was because of the work of Dr. Mark Hyman. When I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease in 2008 it was HIS book, The UltraMetabolism Diet that provided me with many, many answers to my questions concerning Celiac Disease. (Celiac Disease cannot be cured, but with food the "gut" can be healed.)  His book gave me such insight to the relationship of food and healing.  So, off we "trekked" to Massachusetts to my appointment at The UltraWellness Center. I chose to met with one of Dr. Hyman's colleagues, Elizabeth Boham, MD.  One of her specialities is Celiac Disease, but she also specializes in Weight Loss (she also is an RD) and she too is a breast cancer survivor, so I knew that I wanted to pick her brain about breast cancer.  

My journey started out as my husband and I drove though the beautiful Catskill Mountains in upstate New York until we finally ended up in Lenox, Masschuettes.  We stayed in a nice Bed and Breakfast called The Gateway Inn. We arrived in time to have a lovely dinner in front of the fire in a home that was once owned by Mr. Proctor. (Yes, of Protor and Gamble) It was his summer home that he spent about two weeks a year in The Berkshire Mountains. Anyway, the dinner was delicious and it was what I needed, as I became totally relaxed before my big day. We retired to our room after dinner, which was incidentally called "The Cozy Room."  After a "fairly" good night sleep I was ready to meet with Dr. Boham the following day at 8:00 am.

The Gateway Inn. 

The UltraWellness Center Inn Lennox, Massachuettes

I met with Dr. Elizabeth Boham as scheduled.  My appointment lasted approximately 90 minutes.  Many topics were discussed regarding my over-all health, diet and our course my decision of whether or not to have chemotherapy. I then met with an RN to discuss Dr. Boham's recommendations and then off to meet with Maggie Ward, MS,RD, LDL.  I spent an hour with Maggie discussing diet, especially to the enhancement of supporting good blood sugar levels throughout the day and to enhance cancer prevention.

I left the UltaWellness Center about five hours after I arrived.  I am having some blood work, urine and stool specimens being done to get my overall health "picture."  I will let you know how that all turns out in a future blog, along with my decision on whether to have chemotherapy.

So, as we were ready to drive home I wanted to go look at the famous Kripalu Center  for yoga and health which was located about five minutes from The UltaWellness Center. It was our final distination before our drive home.  Below is a picture of Kripalu which is situated on a hill overlooking a beautiful valley.

    The Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health

      Wednesday, March 9, 2011

      Can Thoughts Be Changed?

      I am facing one of the biggest challenges in my life.  I have Breast Cancer.  I was diagnosed after having my annual mammogram on Friday, December 10, 2010.  I am sure anyone would be shocked when they receive a diagnosis of cancer, but I was really not expecting it.  I had never has a problem with my mammograms and I diligently had check-ups at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia. I have been involved in the Family Risk Assessment Program at Fox Chase for the last 10 years, so I really felt I was "on top" of things. I exercise fairly regularly and I don't smoke or drink.  But, as Friday,  December 10th approached I had mixed emotions. You see, we have been trying selling our house at the Jersey Shore for the last 5+ years and we  finally sold our house.  But, we were having settlement on the same day as my mammogram!  I thought to myself, "I can do both," I can "run up" to Philadelphia in the morning and have my mammogram then come back down to the shore and have our settlement in the afternoon.  That WAS the plan, but the plan changed very quickly was I was told by the radiologist that she wanted more pictures. So, I had more pictures. (You see when you have a mammogram at Fox Chase you get your results read immediately.  You do not have to wait a week to find out the results) So, from there I went directly to have an a ultasound. After the ultrasound I was told I needed a biopsy.  I was beside myself thinking of haivng a biopsy and moving all at the same time.

       I did get back in time for our settlement, which incidentially did not go smoothly. It took five hours due to a problem with the funds coming through from the buyer.  We actually ended up having a "dry settlement," as the funds did not come through until the following Monday,  December 13th. Anyway, we had to "trek" back to "Philly" on Monday, December 13th for me to have to have a biopsy.  I was to get the results by Wednesday,  December 15th.  So, waiting was a drag, but the results came back as normal breast tissue. I thought, "Wow, this is great" until I heard the radiologist say, "I want to repeat the biopsy because I believe I did not get into the center of the area of concern." Can you image, another biopsy!  So, we "treked" back to Philly the next day on Thursday, December 16th. I got the call the following day and I was told I have breast cancer. So, without sounding like "Debbie Downer," I moved to a "new rented place" and got diagnosed with breast cancer all within the week before Christmas.

      I chose a bi-lateral mastectomy and I had surgery on January 28th.  I have a Stage 1 breast cancer that was estrogen +.  My treatment is up in the air right now because besides taking a hormone blocking drug called Arimidex, I have to make a decision about having chemotherapy. A test called an Oncotype DX was preformed on a specimen of my tumor. This test an intermediate score would be 19-31 and a high score would be considered 32-100.  My score came back 20!  Just into the intermediate risk.  So, basically  I am in a "grey" area.  If the test came back low, no chemotherapy would be suggested.  If the test came back as high, chemotherapy would be suggested, but because my score came back at 20, having chemotherapy it really being left up to me. I DO NOT know what to do about having chemotherapy!!

      But, one thing I have decided to do is change my thoughts.  Even though this is a serious decision, I am trying not to think about it. I am allowing myself to think about it when I need too. I have gotten a second opinion from another oncologist, which incidentally he told me it really was my decision and I am meeting with a Functional Medicine MD on Monday, March 14th.  I am looking at all approaches before I decide.  But, changing my thoughts about my decision and my cancer is keeping me sane.  I am continuing to walk and I am practicing meditation. I am trying to change my thoughts every time a negative thought enters my mind. So, far it's working fairly well, as I am getting up everyday and beginning my day with a smile.

      Monday, March 7, 2011

      What Message Would You Write In The Sky?

      Yesterday it rained all day long.  Today the sun is out and the sky is a beautiful shade of blue. I just got back from taking my dog for a walk and I thought,  as I looked up at the sky, if I could hire a "sky writer" to send a message via the sky what would I write?  After thinking about this for a few minutes I decided I would just write one word, ENJOY.  So, when someone looked up to see this beautiful blue sky today they would hopefully smile at my message. 

      Obviously, I did not hire a "sky writer" but, I am still sending a message to you.


      Sunday, March 6, 2011

      Great Day to make Soup!

      I made what I call THE BEST Vegetable Beef Soup EVER!  Check out my recipe on my website:  Go to my cookbook. Click on dinners. It is listed under "dinners" page 2.  (Vegetable Beef Soup) We are planning on having it for diiner with a nice salad.  If you make it, please let me know how it turns out!


      Rainy Day! No Problem

      Most people do not like rainy days, but I don't mind them.  I look at it as a time to re-energize.  Think about it....why does it rain?  To noushish the earth, to water flowers and crops, to put moisture in the air, to make things green, etc. So, why can't we do the same thing for ourselves?  When it rains, it is an opprotunity to do something for YOU. Try some of the following:
      1.  Exercise inside.  Check out a workout on TV.  Try Yoga....If you have a Wii, have a Wii tournament with your family (great for some laughs). 
      2.  Organize.  Great time to organize closets or drawers and the next time you are in a rush and looking for something, you will be grateful for that rainy day!
      3. Read.  Even if you just read a magazine or a few pages in a book, it will give you a sense of relaxation and pleasure that you are taking a "time out."
      4. Cook.  Great time to get caught up on preparing meals for the week.  It will make your week so much easier when you come home to a home cooked meal.
      5. Meditate.  Most people say they CAN'T meditate because they cannot quiet their minds, but you CAN.  Learn more about it and as with anything that you want to do well, it takes PRACTICE!
      6. Catch up with people you love.  Call, e-mail, write or meet in person. Rainy days are a good day to be with the ones you love. 
      7. Spend some time with your pet. (Of course if you have one) Give your dog a bath, roll around on the floor and play with your cats, watch your fish in the fish tank, whatever....have fun.
      8. Start a new project.  I just started blogging.  Something new and exciting for me to learn.
      9. Knit, work in the wood shop, paint a room, repair something that you have let go.  There is no time like the present, so to roll up your sleeves and accomplish something today.
      10. Live in the moment. Don't sweat all the things that you SHOULD be doing today if it weren't raining. Realize that each day is a good day and make the most out of it. 
      So, HAVE A NICE RAINY DAY!! Oh , BTW, if it is sunny where you are...Have a NICE DAY TOO!

      Saturday, March 5, 2011

      Great Walk On The Beach!

           Part of living is taking the time to do something that you love.  My husband and I love going to the beach in the summer.  We usually walk everyday in the summer with the sun glistening on the water and the sandpipers running quickly away from the waves.  This is where I find peace.  Even as a child, growing up in Sea Girt, New Jersey, the beach was my solace. I would make every major decision in my life, usually watching the waves.  Today, was no different.  Even after 58 years, the beach still remains one of my favorite places.  I hope that you are inspired by such a place as I am by the beach because if you are visit it often.

      I Made My Choice to Live and I Did It!

           As I said yesterday, I am learning how to live each day as if it were my first, not my last.  I want to think beginning, not end. I accomplished so much yesterday.  I made a great Orange Avocado Sorbet. Delicious! I posted the recipe to my website, so check it out. It was much better than I expected.  I made it in my new Vitamix.  Only 66 calories in 1/2 cup serving and very low in fat.  Fred (my husband) and I had it for dessert last night.  FYI, I also had a serving for breakfast yesterday too.  Part of living, I ate my dessert in the morning before my day started.  It was great being bad...Then I actually got some work done. I worked on my website,  I made contacts with two new clients and then went and got my nails done.  I drove to my appointment (the first time since my surgery in January). By the time I got home,  Fred was home from work and we ate a nice dinner together. Then we rented Titanic.  Boy is that a movie from the past, but a good one. We actually feel asleep and that was a good thing.

           But more importantly, I worked on my "flipping" technique yesterday where I flipped any negative thoughts to a positive ones. I also "cancelled" thoughts that were negative and I "delayed" worrying about any medical issues I am facing.  I guess you could say I stayed in the "moment." So, a productive day. Today I will start all over as if it is the first day of my life again.  Sorta, like the movie Groundhog Day, huh? So off to Day 1 again. I will see what exciting things today brings and keep you posted.

      My Orange Avacado Sorbet.

      Friday, March 4, 2011

      Could This Be Day One Of My Life?

           After deciding to retire from teaching Health and Physical Education after 38 years and become a Holistic Health Coach my life has taken a much different path than I expected.  Only after six months of retirement I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  So, I have another new job to learn, how to live!  Sure I admit I am having my ups and downs, but I also have the conscious choice to try and make the best of it.  After all, I have a lot to offer my clients in the way of weight loss techniques and living with food allergies. I feel I also have great tips to pass on to working Mom's, after all I had many many years of experience as a working Mom myself juggling coaching, teaching and raising my own family. I guess I am a teacher at heart and I STILL want to teach in some capacity. 
           So, what am I getting to here?  Well, if I woke up every morning and "pretended" it was Day 1 of my life, then maybe, just maybe I can look at my life differently.  Instead of looking at it as "living my life as it were the last day of my life" maybe I should "feel" beginnings instead of the endings. So, let's get started.....