I come from a funny family. My mother was one of the funniest people I ever knew. Some of the stories I could tell you about her would have you "wetting your pants." Incidentally, that was one of her trademark moves, wetting her pants when she laughed. (BTW, my niece and I do the same thing now when we get laughing.) But, a sense a humor is good thing, right? Yes, if you can find humor everyday, that is a good thing. Sometimes, I am even on the verge of being goofy....and that's okay too, especially by my standards which are actually the ones that count for me. So, as part of my blog today I am going to share with you a couple of "goofy" and funny experiences I have had at Fox Chase Medical Center where I am currently undergoing weekly "fills" in my breasts as part of my breast reconstruction after a bi-lateral mastectomy.
Since I have to trek up to Philadelphia every Thursday for these "fills," which is actually a saline solution put into ports of "expander's that have been placed in my chest where an implant would eventually be placed, I decided to make this process more fun, at least in my mind. So, a couple of weeks ago when I went to sign in for my with the receptionist to let her know I was here for my appointment I said, "I am here for my nail appointment." Looking perplexed she said, "Excuse me." I said, "Yes, I am here for my fill." (Wink,Wink) She laughed and said, "Oh, I get it your "nail fill." We laughed together and she said, "Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do to get through this." I said, "Yes," but the truth is having that little bit if humor made me feel more relaxed. So, this past week I did the same thing and announced I was here for my "nail fill" and when I came out to schedule my next appointment for the following week she actually asked me if I was going to change my "color" next week! It really did put a smile on my face and when you are going through a breast cancer diagnosis, laughter is important, at least to me.
Okay, here's another funny encounter I had going for one of my "fills," My daughter drove me to my appointment last week. My Doctor's office is not located in the hospital at Fox Chase Cancer Center, but instead about five minutes from the hospital in an office complex. So, as I was explaining the directions to my daughter, telling her to turn her or to turn there, we finally came up to the street where the office was located. When I told her to take a "right" at this street, she looked at the street sign and said, "Are you kidding me, his office is located on Fillmore Street. Get it Mom...Fill More." We laughed so hard because I never realized I was going for my "fills" on Fillmore Street!
Okay, humor is one way I am coping with all of this. I hope I have not offended anyone because I do know cancer is a serious thing, but I need humor. I needed my daughter to say something funny to me, as I do get nervous, but it took my mind off what I am going through and that was a good thing!
Keep up the good work and keep laughing.